- competitive trader
- член Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи, торгующий акциями за свой счет
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Competitive equilibrium — Competitive market equilibrium is the traditional concept of economic equilibrium, appropriate for the analysis of commodity markets with flexible prices and many traders, and serving as the benchmark of efficiency in economic analysis. It relies … Wikipedia
Trader — An individual who engages in the transfer of financial assets in any financial market, either for themselves, or on behalf of a someone else. The main difference between a trader and an investor is the duration for which the person holds the… … Investment dictionary
Pattern day trader — is a term defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to describe a stock market trader who executes 4 (or more) day trades in 5 business days in a margin account, provided the number of day trades are more than six percent of the… … Wikipedia
Blue Collar Trader — A trader who has another source of income, and does not trade as a means, but rather as a savings plan, or bonus, etc. This person typically does not trade in large volumes, leaning more towards trying to earn smaller returns. Such a trader is… … Investment dictionary
Floor trader — A floor trader is a member of a stock or commodities exchange who trades on the floor of that exchange for his or her own account. The floor trader must abide by trading rules similar to those of the exchange specialists who trade on behalf of… … Wikipedia
Galaxy Trader — Galaxy TraderIt is a Browser game with emphasis on trade and space combat.The game is currently in beta testing phase, and still in development.The main goal of the game is to gain wealth and develop the strongest ship in the game.When you are in … Wikipedia
Perfectly competitive financial markets — Markets in which no trader has the power to change the price of goods or services. Perfect capital markets are characterized by the following conditions: 1) trading is costless, and access to the financial markets is free, 2) information about… … Financial and business terms
perfectly competitive financial markets — markets in which no trader has the power to change the price of goods or services. Perfect capital markets are characterized by certain conditions: (1) trading is cost less, and access to the financial markets is free; (2) information about… … Financial and business terms
торговец, биржевой маклер, спекулянт — В общем значении: любое лицо, покупающее и продающее товары или услуги для получения прибыли; дилер ( dealer) или торговец (merchant). См. также barter, trade. Инвестиции: (1) Лицо, занимающееся покупкой и продажей ценных бумаг акций (stocks),… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
Биржевой дилер — (Floor Trader (или Competitive Trader, Registered Competitive Market maker, Registered Trader)) – осуществляет операции только за свой счет. Согласно правилам биржи, не имеет права выполнять заказы других инвесторов … Финансовый глоссарий
зарегистрированный член Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи торгующий за свой счет — Один их группы членов Нью Йоркской фондовой биржи, которые покупают и продают ценные бумаги за свой счет. Поскольку эти члены биржи не платят комиссионных, они могут получать прибыль даже в результате небольших изменений рыночных цен и поэтому,… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь